
Tidy Dog Grooming and Spa LTD

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Tidy Dog Grooming and Spa LTD

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01437 224006

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 Services List

Products used at Tidy Dog, not only clean your pet but look after the condition of the skin, hair follicles and also improve overall coat condition.

We have a range of dedicated products to help with any skin condition, oily coats, brittle coats, the shedding process, and stain reduction.

We have also just started a collection service aimed at disabled or OAP clients, unable to get their dog over to the salon. This does incur an extra charge but makes grooming more accessible to everyone  .


Ultimate de-Matting Package

The matted coat is a problem for many dog owners. Depending on the severity of the matting. This package can help you retain some of the dogs coat and ensures dematting is kinder on the skin. Products used for this process are dedicated and formulated especially for matted coats. Used by professionals across the UK


Ultimate Deshed Package

This package is perfect for any dog with a double coat that sheds. All loose, dead undercoat is removed using the furminator and other deshedding tools. Your pet then undergoes a luxury mud bath treatment. Deep cleansing, full of omega oils and vitamin B to relieve and prevent excess shedding between grooms.

Then you pet is fluff dried, all sanitary areas cleared, ears cleaned of needed, pawdicured and then styled to owner requirement.


Full Groom Packages

These packages are for your pets routine grooming. Which one you pick will depend on age/ lifestyle. Every full groom package, includes the full works, to keep your pet feeling and looking good.

Full Groom options – Breed Standard/ Pet Trim/ Puppy Cut / Deshed

What is included:

Pawdicure – Nails/ Paw Balm

Ear Cleaning – Ear cleaner used if required, especially in ear leathers. Hair teased from ears but only if not inflamed or would cause harm.

Bath/ Fluff Dry – bathed in luxury with professional animal friendly products, Line Fluff dried for a beautiful full, straight coat.

The Groom – Scissoring, Clipping or combination. Depending on owner requirements as discussed upon first consultation

Fragrance Spray – to help them smell good between appointments

De – Shed

Pawdicure – Nails/ Paw Balm

De – Shed – All loose, dead undercoat is removed using the furminator and other de-shedding tools

Bath/ Fluff Dry – bathed in luxury with professional animal friendly products, Fluff dried for a beautiful full coat.

Ear Cleaning – Ear cleaner used if required, especially on ear leathers. hair teased from ears but only if not inflamed or would cause harm.

Groom – Scissoring, Clipping or a combination depending on owner requirements.

Fragrance Spray – to help them smell good between appointments


Tidy Up Dog Package

This package is perfect for clients looking to maintain the coat between grooms. Lots of dogs before their next groom lose the ability to see and be properly tidy. This package keeps your dog’s coats in optimum condition.

Pawdicure – Nails/ Paw Balm

Bath/Fluff Dry- bathed in luxury with professional animal friendly products, Fluff dried for a beautiful full coat.

Ears – Ear cleaner used on ear leathers if required.

Tidy Up – Eye area, Sanitary areas, Paws all put back to perfect.


Bath/ Fluff Dry Package

This package is perfect for clients looking to maintain the coat between grooms or for clients with particularly nervous dogs to get used the salon between full groom appointments

Pawdicure – Nails/ Paw Balm

Bath/ Fluff Dry – bathed in luxury with professional animal friendly products, Fluff dried for a beautiful full coat.

Spa Packages –

Indulge your pet by upgrading any full groom to include additional SPA packages

SPA 1 -Facial, Mud bath.  SPA 2 – Designed for pets with skin Conditions  SPA 3 – Mud bath – Sensitive Skin , Hydrating butter

Teeth Cleaning

Teeth Cleaning – Tidy Dog. – Dog Grooming & Spa Ltd,  is  working with Cleany teeth to help keep your pets smile White and Bright. The first two sessions are for 30 mins and then top sessions of 15 mins are required.

1st/2nd Session – £37.50

15 min Top up sessions – £25 



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RCVS and BDGA guidelines

ANAL GLANDS please note we do not express these, and never have done. This complies with current advice from both RCVS and The BDGA."The British Dog Groomers’ Association recently received the following advice from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons regarding anal glands and ear cleaning:
Ear cleaning: Groomers may carry out ear cleaning of the external meatus as part of general grooming provided it does not include entry to the ear cavity. Where minor hair/debris removal is involved in a non-infected ear, this would not usually be considered an act of veterinary surgery, but where infection is present, or there is any possibility of a ruptured ear drum, this should be dealt with as a veterinary matter.
Anal glands: The veterinary advice we received is that external expression of anal glands is more complicated, because deciding if there is any infection or impaction involves a diagnosis, which is the practice of veterinary surgery. If the gland is not affected it is questionable if it requires expression."

We have on hand pesticidal shampoos to deal with fleas, but we still advise you treat your dog in accordance with flea treatment guidelines.  We do not make an extra charge for this. However, if a dog is presented with a heavy flea infestation we reserve the right to refuse to groom. This will incur a charge.

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