
Tidy Dog Grooming and Spa LTD

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01437 224006

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Tidy Dog Grooming and Spa LTD

Book an appointment now

01437 224006

or leave your details on this form
and we will call you

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RCVS and BDGA guidelines

ANAL GLANDS please note we do not express these, and never have done. This complies with current advice from both RCVS and The BDGA."The British Dog Groomers’ Association recently received the following advice from the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons regarding anal glands and ear cleaning:
Ear cleaning: Groomers may carry out ear cleaning of the external meatus as part of general grooming provided it does not include entry to the ear cavity. Where minor hair/debris removal is involved in a non-infected ear, this would not usually be considered an act of veterinary surgery, but where infection is present, or there is any possibility of a ruptured ear drum, this should be dealt with as a veterinary matter.
Anal glands: The veterinary advice we received is that external expression of anal glands is more complicated, because deciding if there is any infection or impaction involves a diagnosis, which is the practice of veterinary surgery. If the gland is not affected it is questionable if it requires expression."

We have on hand pesticidal shampoos to deal with fleas, but we still advise you treat your dog in accordance with flea treatment guidelines.  We do not make an extra charge for this. However, if a dog is presented with a heavy flea infestation we reserve the right to refuse to groom. This will incur a charge.

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